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United Arab Emirates UAE | 263.5K Followers
6 years ago

Dubai Shopping Festival Returns with Much-Awaited Mega Raffles | #DubaiTourism #DubaiShoppingFestival #INFINITIMegaRaffle #NissanGrandRaffle #ArabianAutomobiles #AWRostamaniGroup #enoc #AhmedAlKhaja #MichelAyat #SaifHumaidAlFalasi #mydubai #hozpitlaitygroup #hozpitalityplus #raffle #promotions

Dubai Shopping Festival Returns with Much-Awaited Mega Raffles

Dubai Shopping Festival Returns with Much-Awaited Mega Raffles

The INFINITI Mega Raffle and the Nissan Grand Raffle will begin on 15 October 2018.