Bringing Medusha as a gift to your beloved ones, do not forget to share one of the recipes below, most of its are borrowed from great-grandmother's diaries (and even ancient Masonic manuscripts)

Hello, healthy foods' and lifestyles' adepts!
In my last articles, I told why at Medusha company we chose such a variety as white acacia honey, and what useful and even medical qualities it has. Today I'm going to tell you about how acacia honey is practised in traditional medicine recipes. Many people have used this product in alternative medicine. So, bringing Medusha as a gift to your beloved ones, do not forget to share one of the recipes below, most of its are borrowed from great-grandmother's diaries (and even ancient Masonic manuscripts), therefore, for ease of perception, the old measures of weight and volume have been converted into the modern system of measurements.
Lungs and bronchi diseases. Mix next composition:
- acacia honey;
- pork fat (lard);
- butter 400g;
- cane sugar 400g;
- cocoa powder 90g;
- chicken egg yolks 8 pcs;
- 3 cups of cream.
Melt butter and fat, add cream, yolks and cocoa powder, stir thoroughly and cook until the solute acquires a homogeneous liquid consistency. Take 1 tablespoon three times a day. A gift that rejuvenates breath.
High blood pressure:
- horseradish and carrot juice 240ml;
- white acacia honey 240ml;
- juice of a medium-sized lemon.
Mix all components and store in a cool place.
Take three times a day, 1 teaspoon on an empty stomach, 60 minutes before meals or 2 hours after. The course of treatment is from one and a half to two months. Make a gift to your heart.
Long-livers drink, cardiovascular diseases:
- birch buds 100g;
- St.John's wort herb 100g;
- annual immortelle 100g;
- chamomile flowers.
Grind the inflorescences in a meat grinder and put in a glass container. In the evening, pour half a litre of boiling water over the herbal mixture (1 tablespoon) and leave for half an hour. Before going to bed, take 1 glass with the addition of 1 teaspoon of acacia honey. In the morning on an empty stomach, also take a glass of infusion half an hour before breakfast. The amount of herbal mixture is calculated for the entire course of treatment. It is recommended to take it as a prophylactic agent for atherosclerosis and heart attack, as well as for the purpose of improving metabolism and cleansing blood vessels of cholesterol deposits and toxins. Gift health to your loved ones.
Vitiligo. Recipe from the Bulgarian phytotherapist Petr Dimkov.
- walnuts of wax ripeness - 40 pieces,
- white acacia honey.
Boil the nuts for half an hour in 2 litres of water, add 1 kg of acacia honey and cook for another 10 minutes. Take a tablespoon of syrup and 1pc. nuts three times a day half an hour after eating. Immunity strengthening gift.
Liver diseases.
To normalize the liver, mix honey with olive oil in a 1:1 ratio, and then add another 2 tsp. of lemon juice.
- acacia honey 50g;
- olive oil 50g;
- Freshly squeezed lemon juice 2 tablespoons;
Dosage: 1 teaspoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The best gift for the liver after alcohol load.
Acacia honey in recipes for external use:
Inflammation of the appendages. This disease often becomes the cause of female infertility, so it is extremely important to eliminate the root of the problem. In such cases, traditional healers recommend tamponade of the vagina with acacia honey with mummy. Apply 1 tsp on a gauze swab, honey and a small piece of a mummy, about the size of a grain of millet. The procedure is carried out at night. The treatment course is from 10 to 14 days. A gift for women's health.
Haemorrhoids. To treat this painful illness, it is necessary to use tampons with ointment, which is prepared by mixing honey-propolis and wax mixture.
- propolis 10g;
- beeswax 50g;
- sea buckthorn oil 50g;
- acacia honey 1 tablespoon.
Grind propolis and mix with a teaspoon of honey. Heat the vegetable oil to the melting point of the beeswax and bring to the boiling point together. After cooling, mix all together thoroughly. Moisten a tampon rolled up in the form of a candle in the resulting composition and insert for an hour into the anus before going to bed, repeat until it is completely cured.
Wound healing ointment. It is intended for external use for the treatment of traumatic and thermal skin injuries, namely wounds, burns and frostbite, purulent wounds and abscesses, bedsores, etc.
- butter 100g;
- acacia honey 100g;
- beeswax 25g;
- egg yolks 3 pcs;
- premium flour 3 tablespoons.
Beeswax has to be melted and mixed with butter and acacia honey. Add egg yolks and flour and stir thoroughly until smooth. Keep cold. It is also recommended to use the ointment in case of fractures by slightly modifying, namely, add 1 - 2 tablespoons of comfrey root extract. Comfrey extract is prepared using alcohol.
- shredded comfrey root (lat. Symphytum) 20g.
- alcohol 70% 100g.
Infuse for a month.
I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that some of these eight recipes contain beeswax in the ingredients, and Medusha is an ideal gift in this regard, 2 in 1, natural acacia honey in a jar of pure beeswax. Bees techniques that made by us. And in distant memory, I never tire of reminding you that, Medusha is not only healthy and tasty food but also an authentic Ukrainian gift that is guaranteed to give unforgettable emotions.