28, Polykratous st. 182 33 Agios Ioannis Rentis, Greece
KARAMANIS S.A. was founded in 1959 by Vassilios Karamanis. The main activity was the construction and supply of meat minces and band saw throughout partners. Having a market share of 85%, the company has decided its further growth. On that base George Karamanis has empower the company and the company started its own production.This new activity has focused on the production of peelers, blenders, machines for snitsel, lemon squeezers, coffee machines, coffee kettle, cheese graters, cutting machines hot dog machines. At the same time the company has started to import food processing machines like ham machines and scales.In 1990 DOMHOTEL was founded by George Karamanis, Julia Karamanis and Panagiotis Kasimatis. The company started to import kitchen utensils and table equipment. At the same time the company continued the enlargement of the variety of other category products. At the end of 1999, the company decided to merge the companies (KARAMCO ΑΕΒΕ, KARAMCO ΕΠΕ and DOMHOTEL) and formed KARAMANIS S.A. in today’s profile.In 2004 the expansion of activities has lead at the construction of warehouses at the 69th km of the National Road of Athens-Lamia, at Schimatari Viotias. In 2011 KARAMANIS S.A., established a sub department in Iraklio of Crete in cooperation with Myronas Papadakis setting as the main goal, the exclusive distribution of products in the island.During 50 years of history, KARAMANIS S.A. has illustrated integrated projects in some of the major massive catering units like VAROULKO, FOCACCINO, APACHI CAFE, ARTISTI MACARONI, ALDEMAR HOTELS, ARION, WESTINATHENS, ASTIR PALACE TAVERN, BARAONDA AND DALU. For more details please look at the section “Projects”.
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