
WELBILT Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 3.9K Followers
2 years ago

Convotherm to Showcase at Sirha Lyon at Eurexpo, France | #welbilt #Convotherm #partnership #globalcompetition #SirhaLyon #Eurexpo #cuttingedge #combioventechnology #cheflife #worldclass #gastronomy #cookingcompetition #FeedtheKids #hozpitality

Convotherm to Showcase at Sirha Lyon at Eurexpo, France

Convotherm to Showcase at Sirha Lyon at Eurexpo, France

A longstanding partnership providing cutting-edge combi oven technology during the global competition.

Dubai Opera Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 810 Followers
3 years ago

Six Fantastic Performances in Dubai Opera this October | #dubaiopera #performingarts #iconic #worldclass #entertainment #repertoire #jazz #classics #musical #IyadRimawi #concert #Travis #PIAFLeSpectacle #Riverdance #hozpitality

Six Fantastic Performances in Dubai Opera this October

Six Fantastic Performances in Dubai Opera this October

October sees 6 fantastic performances hit the stage including Jazz Classics, Footloose The Musical, Iyad Rimawi, Travis, Riverdance and a moving tribute to legendary performer Édith Piaf

voco Bonnington & McGettigans' Group Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 5.3K Followers
3 years ago

A Night of Hilarious and Superb Entertainment at McGettigan's | #mcgettigans #mcgettigansjlt #bignightoutfestival #worldclass #standupacts #livemusic #afterparty #djjonohayes #thebaggot #comedians #dannyobrien #elenagabrielle #karlspain #entertainment #hozpitality

A Night of Hilarious and Superb Entertainment at McGettigan's

A Night of Hilarious and Superb Entertainment at McGettigan's

International award-winning comedians Danny O' Brien, Elena Gabrielle & Karl Spain will perform on stage followed by the biggest after party on Friday 9th and Saturday 10th September

Centara Hotels and Resorts Pay on Performance created new article
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Thailand | 1.6K Followers
4 years ago

Centra by Centara Maris Resorts Jomtien Won Hotel of The Year Award 2020 for Its World-Class Best Performance | #CentaraHotelsResorts #hoteloftheyearawards2020 #MajorDevelopment #CentaraMarisResortJomtien #worldclass #HospitalityExperienceProgram #hozpitality

Centra by Centara Maris Resorts Jomtien Won Hotel of The Year Award 2020 for Its World-Class Best Performance

Centra by Centara Maris Resorts Jomtien Won Hotel of The Year Award 2020 for Its World-Class Best Performance

The hotel is owned by Major Development recognized for its world-class best services.

Co-Founder Director - Momentum Hospitality Recruitment Ltd United Kingdom | 8 Followers
5 years ago

Latest Podcast Episode available where we chatted to Anne Golden, the Pre-Opening GM of the upcoming #panpacificlondon Listen here -

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#hozpitality #hospitality #generalmanager #worldclass #hospitalitymeets

Layer 1

Layer 1

Hospitality never stands still, there's always something new on the horizon.  This week, we've got an amazing chat with the Opening General Manager Ann...