
Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 263.2K Followers
7 months ago

Wise Kwai Thai Restaurant, Dubai Wins Judges Choice for Best Local Brand of the Year at the 2nd Middle East F&B Excellence Awards | #wisekwai #thairestaurant #judgeschoiceaward #bestlocalbrand #middleeast #foodandbeverage #fandbawards #hospitalityexcellence #hozpitalitygroup #hozpitality

Wise Kwai Thai Restaurant, Dubai Wins Judges Choice for Best Local Brand of the Year at the 2nd Middle East F&B Excellence Awards

Wise Kwai Thai Restaurant, Dubai Wins Judges Choice for Best Local Brand of the Year at the 2nd Middle East F&B Excellence Awards

The Judges Choice for best local brand goes to Wise Kwai Thai Rstaurant located in dusitD2 kenz Hotel

United Arab Emirates UAE | 263.2K Followers
10 months ago

Support your favorite Homegrown Brand!

Cast your vote online:

#homegrownbrands #fandbawards #foodandbeverage #hozpitality #ashas #downtownperk #february30 #folly #rightbiteexpress #sfumato #soonnobby #thefarmrestaurant #themillcafe #wisekwai


dusitD2 Kenz Hotel Dubai Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 3K Followers
1 year ago

dusitD2 kenz Hotel Sparks Sustainable Holiday Cheer in Dubai | #dusitd2kenz #hotelsinbarshaheights #christmas2023 #ecofriendly #DancingintoWinter #ASustainableEscape #BassamZakaria #sustainability #AnfisaPlysiuk #OstroRestaurantandCafe #newyear2024 #wisekwai #diningoffers #festiveoffers #hozpitality

dusitD2 kenz Hotel Sparks Sustainable Holiday Cheer in Dubai

dusitD2 kenz Hotel Sparks Sustainable Holiday Cheer in Dubai

Dancing into the Holiday Season with an eco-friendly christmas tree