
Centara Hotels and Resorts Pay on Performance created new article
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Thailand | 1.6K Followers
9 months ago

Centara Boosts Executive Team with Two Talented Leaders to Drive Success and Create Unparalleled Guest Experiences | #centarahotelsandresorts #roncusiter #executivevicepresident #percypmuncherji #vicepresidentdesignandtechnicalservices #thirayuthchirathivat #centarahotelsresorts #hozpitality

Centara Boosts Executive Team with Two Talented Leaders to Drive Success and Create Unparalleled Guest Experiences

Centara Boosts Executive Team with Two Talented Leaders to Drive Success and Create Unparalleled Guest Experiences

Ron Cusiter joins Thailand’s leading hotel operator as Executive Vice President – Commercial and Percy P. Muncherji is appointed Vice President – Design & Technical Services