
Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 272.3K Followers
1 year ago

Sunjeh Raja named among Hozpitality's Best 30 Hospitality and Tourism Leaders in the Middle East for 2023 | #sunjehraja #iccadubai #hospitalityleaders #middleeastleaders #tourismleaders #hospitalityrecognition #industryexcellence #leadershipachievement #careermilestone #professionalrecognition #hozpitalitysbest30 #hozpitalitylist #emergingleaders2023 #prestigiousaccolades #hozpitality

Sunjeh Raja named among Hozpitality's Best 30 Hospitality and Tourism Leaders in the Middle East for 2023

Sunjeh Raja named among Hozpitality's Best 30 Hospitality and Tourism Leaders in the Middle East for 2023

Sunjeh Raja, Director & CEO of ICCA Dubai, has been recognized as one of the Best 30 Hospitality and Tourism Leaders in the Middle East by Hozpitality Group.

Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
created new article
United Arab Emirates UAE | 272.3K Followers
2 years ago

Meet Sunjeh Raja, an internationally renowned vocational educator who believes in making lives happen | ##iccadubai # #sunjehraja # #hozpitalityrecommends # #hospitalityeducation # #culinaryschool # #mydubai # # ShanaazRaja

Meet Sunjeh Raja, an internationally renowned vocational educator who believes in making lives happen

Meet Sunjeh Raja, an internationally renowned vocational educator who believes in making lives happen

The Hozpitality Group is appreciative of the support provided by the ICCA team and Mr. Sunjeh Raja in relation to the two awards, the Middle East Hospitality Excellence Awards and Chef Excellence Awards. We hope the future is bright for ICCA.