
Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 263.5K Followers
10 months ago

Royal Ballroom, Eros Hotel Nehru Place Clinches Gold as Banquet Venue of the Year at Indian Hospitality Excellence Awards | #eroshotelnehruplace #royalballroom #eroshotel #events #venue #banquet #hospitality #hozpitalityexcellenceawards #indianhospitalityexcellenceawards #hozpitalitygroup #hospitalityexcellence #shilpwellness #servicewithexcellence #recognition #goldaward #hozpitality

Royal Ballroom, Eros Hotel Nehru Place Clinches Gold as Banquet Venue of the Year at Indian Hospitality Excellence Awards

Royal Ballroom, Eros Hotel Nehru Place Clinches Gold as Banquet Venue of the Year at Indian Hospitality Excellence Awards

Royal Ballroom is a flexible area ideal for both social events and business meetings which can hold 400–850 guests.

United Arab Emirates UAE | 263.5K Followers
1 year ago

Here are the Banquet Venue of the Year finalists at the 3rd Indian Hospitality Excellence Awards.

Please help your favorite banquet venue win.

#hozpitalityexcellenceawards #hotelsinindia #banquetvenue #amberconventionindore #bellevuesarovarpremiere #crowneplazanewdelhirohini #doubletreebyhiltongurugrambaanisquare #hotelprincevirajjabalpur #radissonjodhpur #radissonkandla #royalballroom #eroshotelnehruplace #thegrandnewdelhi #theparkindore
