
Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 263.5K Followers
5 years ago

Ferrari World Abu Dhabi Launches Exciting Virtual Roller Coaster Experience for Kids | #ferrariworld #abudhabi #hozpitality #virtualreality #vrgoggles #rollercoaster

Ferrari World Abu Dhabi Launches Exciting Virtual Roller Coaster Experience for Kids

Ferrari World Abu Dhabi Launches Exciting Virtual Roller Coaster Experience for Kids

VR goggles to enjoy the Park’s most iconic roller coasters.

Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 263.5K Followers
6 years ago

Ferrari World Abu Dhabi’s Exhilarating Roller Coaster Rally Set to Entertain All this Eid Al Fitr | #FerrariWorldAbuDhabi #EidAlFitr #rollercoaster #BiancaSammut #KartingAcademy #OneShotRide #AdvancedSimulator #AllRidePass #hozpitality #entertainment #themeparks

Ferrari World Abu Dhabi’s Exhilarating Roller Coaster Rally Set to Entertain All this Eid Al Fitr

Ferrari World Abu Dhabi’s Exhilarating Roller Coaster Rally Set to Entertain All this Eid Al Fitr

The Rollercoaster Rally will be on the first day of Eid Al Fitr

Sheetal Kaliya shared a post  
United Arab Emirates UAE | 54 Followers
6 years ago

Football Legend Rio Ferdinand Takes on the World’s Fastest Rollercoaster at Ferrari World Abu Dhabi | #RioFerdinand #ferrari #abudhabi #football #yasisland #rollercoaster #formularossa #themepark #hozpitality #tourism #visitor

Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 263.5K Followers
6 years ago

Football Legend Rio Ferdinand Takes on the World’s Fastest Rollercoaster at Ferrari World Abu Dhabi | #RioFerdinand #ferrari #abudhabi #football #yasisland #rollercoaster #formularossa #themepark #hozpitality #tourism #visitor

Football Legend Rio Ferdinand Takes on the World’s Fastest Rollercoaster at Ferrari World Abu Dhabi

Football Legend Rio Ferdinand Takes on the World’s Fastest Rollercoaster at Ferrari World Abu Dhabi

Experienced an intense ride with 240km / hr speeds on-board Formula Rossa