
Stella Di Mare Dubai Marina Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 1.1K Followers
26 days ago

Stella Di Mare Dubai Marina Hotel Earns Dubai Sustainable Tourism Stamp | #stelladimare #sustainabletourism #greendubai #ecofriendlyhotels #dubaisustainability #dubaitourism #sustainabilityintourism #dubaigreeninitiative #responsibletravel #ecoluxury #hozpitality

Stella Di Mare Dubai Marina Hotel Earns Dubai Sustainable Tourism Stamp

Stella Di Mare Dubai Marina Hotel Earns Dubai Sustainable Tourism Stamp

Awarded for its commitment to sustainability, Stella Di Mare joins 153 hotels recognized for contributing to Dubai’s green tourism initiatives.

Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 272.2K Followers
2 months ago

Coral Beach Resort Sharjah Wins Gold for Hotel of the Year in Sustainable Initiatives at the Middle East Hospitality Excellence Awards 2024 | #coralbeachresortsharjah #hoteloftheyear #sustainableinitiatives #goldaward #middleeasthospitalityexcellenceawards #sustainability #ecofriendlyhospitality #greentourism #responsibletravel #meahea2024 #hozpitalityaward #hozpitality

Coral Beach Resort Sharjah Wins Gold for Hotel of the Year in Sustainable Initiatives at the Middle East Hospitality Excellence Awards 2024

Coral Beach Resort Sharjah Wins Gold for Hotel of the Year in Sustainable Initiatives at the Middle East Hospitality Excellence Awards 2024

Coral Beach Resort Sharjah, a tranquil seaside escapes with luxurious comfort and stunning views.

A 3 day trip to a small hamlet in the Jaunsar Region... Nagthat.
VilloTale thank Sarita Ma'am, Susmita Ma'am and the entire group of 12 senior citizens who showed their confidance in VilloTale to plan their trip with exposure to the local culture, food, traditions, heritage, historical and mythological dimensions.
They were extremely enthusiastic to meet the children from the local primary school and share some time with them..."giving back to the society", Visiting an NGO workshop.
Close to the nature and natural beauty they visited
Tiger Falls, Chakrata and witnessed how Gharat (Hydro powered flour mill or water mill) work
Visiting the local Mahatsu Devta Temple which is constructed with wood and rock and Ma Kali Mandir in Bishoi Village gave the mystical flavour to the trip.
Thoroughly enjoyed the village walk and witnessed garlic harvesting
Enjoyed the local farm grown food at Lakhamandal apart from visitng the Lord Shiva Temple which has stories from the time of Mahabharata.
VilloTale again thanks everyone for taking part in this tour. We are looking forward to host more of such tours which connect you to the roots.
#culture #food #society #ruraltourism #responsibletourism #responsibletravel #sustainabletourism #villotale #ecotourism #givingbacktothecommunity #holiday #weekendgetaway
