
Vintage Grand Hotel Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 6.2K Followers
1 year ago

Celebrate the Holy Month at Red Diamond Restaurant | #vintagegrandhotel #reddiamond #groupiftar #ramadan2024 #iftaroffer #dubaidining #holymonth #restaurantoffer #hozpitality

Celebrate the Holy Month at Red Diamond Restaurant

Celebrate the Holy Month at Red Diamond Restaurant

Vintage Grand Hotel offers a special group Iftar buffet

Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
created new article
United Arab Emirates UAE | 272.2K Followers
5 years ago

Ghaya Grand Hotel's 'Home for the Holidays' Season Offer | #ghayagrandhotel #festive #holidays #festiveseason #christmas #hozpitalityfestivepromotions #newyear #reddiamond #fusionrestaurant #hozpitality

Ghaya Grand Hotel's 'Home for the Holidays' Season Offer

Ghaya Grand Hotel's 'Home for the Holidays' Season Offer

An irresistible and family-friendly festive season offers.

Robin Co shared a post  
United Arab Emirates UAE | 5 Followers
6 years ago

Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 272.2K Followers
6 years ago

Celebrate a Festive Eid Al-Fitr at Ghaya Grand Hotel | #ghayagrand #staycation #eidalfitr #packages #eidindubai #buffet #lunch #dinner #reddiamond #fusionrestaurant #seafoods #livecooking #ghayaspa #aromamassage #hozpitality

Celebrate a Festive Eid Al-Fitr at Ghaya Grand Hotel

Celebrate a Festive Eid Al-Fitr at Ghaya Grand Hotel

Celebrate Eid al-Fitr with your family and friends at Ghaya Grand Hotel and enjoy 3 days and 2 nights staycation with breakfast and special Eid lunch/dinner plus an aroma massage

United Arab Emirates UAE | 6.2K Followers
6 years ago

Ramadan Iftar Coverage at Hozpitality Group- Hospitality Media, Networking and Career...
#GhayaGrandHotel #iftar #edibledisplay #sugarandgelatin #reddiamond #greatchef #groupiftar #hozpitality #reviews #ghayadiaries

Ramadan Iftar at Ghaya Grand Hotel Dubai

Ramadan Iftar at Ghaya Grand Hotel Dubai

Showcases an edible display made of sugar & gelatin.