
Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 268.3K Followers
1 year ago

Manoj Oberoi Wins Silver as Health/Safety Champion of the Year at the Indian Hospitality Excellence Awards | #manojoberoi #securitymanager #prideplazahotelaerocity #pridehotel #healthandsafety #hospitality #hozpitalityexcellenceawards #indianhospitalityexcellenceawards #hozpitalitygroup #hospitalityexcellence #shilpwellness #servicewithexcellence #hotelier #recognition #silveraward #hozpitality

Manoj Oberoi Wins Silver as Health/Safety Champion of the Year at the Indian Hospitality Excellence Awards

Manoj Oberoi Wins Silver as Health/Safety Champion of the Year at the Indian Hospitality Excellence Awards

Manoj Oberoi's expertise includes operations management, hotel management, physical security, customer satisfaction, and overall proficiency in the hospitality industry.

United Arab Emirates UAE | 268.3K Followers
1 year ago

Here are the IT Champion of the Year finalists at the 3rd Indian Hospitality Excellence Awards.

Please help your favorite hotelier win.

#hozpitalityexcellenceawards #hotelsinindia #it #informationtechnology #anilkumarsharm #hyattregencyahmedabad #gauravsharma #thelodhi #ravisisodiya #sayajihotels #rohitkothari #theparkindore #satendrasingh #pridehotel #shadabkhan #hotelprinceviraj


United Arab Emirates UAE | 268.3K Followers
1 year ago

Here are the Front Office Champion of the Year finalists at the 3rd Indian Hospitality Excellence Awards.

Please help your favorite hotelier win.

#hozpitalityexcellenceawards #hotelsinindia #frontoffice #frontofhouse #abhisheksawant #intercontinentalchennai #kajalsingh #hotelprinceviraj #pratikpatil #doubletreepune #sanjaysengupta #hyattregencyahmedabad #sanjeevkumar #crowneplazokhla #shashankshukla #pridehotel #souviksur #sayajipune #sumitsinha #hiltongardeninnsaket #sushilgoswami #hotelhomein


United Arab Emirates UAE | 268.3K Followers
1 year ago

Here are the Human Resources/Training Champion of the Year finalists at the 3rd Indian Hospitality Excellence Awards.

Please help your favorite hotelier win.

#hozpitalityexcellenceawards #hotelsinindia #humanresources #training #amitsinghchauhan #sheratongrandchennai #jagannathanr #hyattregencyahmedabad #jayeshwadher #novotelmumbaijuhubeach #kaustavsen #itchotels #rajendraahirwar #hotelprinceviraj #shilpisharma #doubletreegururgram #shrutikapuri #hiltongardeninnsaket #supriyapandita #doubletreepune #vinodpatra #pridehotel


United Arab Emirates UAE | 268.3K Followers
1 year ago

Here are the Housekeeping Champion of the Year finalists at the 3rd Indian Hospitality Excellence Awards.

Please help your favorite hotelier win.

#hozpitalityexcellenceawards #hotelsinindia #housekeeping #roomservice #anilkumartayal #thelodhinewdelhi #ankitajaiswal #hyattregencyahmedabad #balbirsingh #pridehotel #chanchalsinghpujara #hotelprinceviraj #chandrashekharnagulapati #sayajiindore #karanverma #ramadasiliguri
