Join us in welcoming our new Safirs in the "Paradise", Jannah!
Proudly holding their Jannah Passport to mark the successful completion of the Q1 2023 Onboarding Orientation, our new Safirs took the time to understand what it truly means to live the Jannah Values and the commitment they have made while signing the job offer.
They have not just learned the holistic meaning of Jannah, the history behind the company’s market positioning, and the company's SOP and processes, but have also embraced the true essence of becoming a ‘Safir’ – a Jannah Ambassador.
They are now equally ready to celebrate our core values to engage, enrich, and evolve how we do hospitality – the Jannah Way!
#thejannahway #jannahhotelsandresorts #edgecreeksidehotel #edgehotels #hotelier #newjoiners #jannahpassport #employeerecognition #onboarding #orientationprogram