
Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 272.2K Followers
10 months ago

Elias Saad Won the Gold Award for F&B Director/Leader of the Year | #eliassaad #babalqasr #leaderoftheyear #goldaward #middleeast #foodandbeverage #fandbawards #hospitalityexcellence #hozpitalitygroup #hozpitality

Elias Saad Won the Gold Award for F&B Director/Leader of the Year

Elias Saad Won the Gold Award for F&B Director/Leader of the Year

Elias Saad of Bab Al Qasr Hotel has been recognized for hospitality excellence at the 2nd Middle East F&B Excellence Awards

Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 272.2K Followers
2 years ago

Amit Sinha of Mercure Gold Hotel Wins F&B Leader of the Year Award | #amitsinha #fandbmanager #mercuregoldhotel #leaderoftheyear #fandbawards #foodandbeverage #judgeschoiceawards #dedicationtoservice #serviceaward #successstories #hozpitalityexcellenceawards #hospitalityexcellence #hozpitalitygroup

Amit Sinha of Mercure Gold Hotel Wins F&B Leader of the Year Award

Amit Sinha of Mercure Gold Hotel Wins F&B Leader of the Year Award

Celebrates Amit's exceptional leadership skills and expertise across various aspects of the hospitality industry, making him a standout F&B professional.