
Accounts Payable, Bank Reconciliation - Meena Bazaar India | 6 Followers
4 years ago

Dear All
I request to all of you. I'm looking for job #change in #accounts profile and I have 3Year #experience in General Accounting, #bank #reconciliation and #accountspayable
Please let me job #needjob #helpme #accounting #lookingforjob #let #request #jobloss #urgentrequirement

Operations Manager - Veritos Infosolutions Pvt. Ltd. India | 1.6K Followers
5 years ago

#aviation #arilines #travleindustry #serviceindustry #hospitality #jobloss

One of the leading airlines has reduced a few thousand employees and sent about 15000 employees on leave for an uncertain period. Why the employees always bear the brunt of every crisis? When the business runs as usual with higher profit margins; why did these business giants not plan for these crises?.
Common these are those employees who sacrificed a lot to keep you in the air all the times; and now when your fleet is grounded, with no fault of theirs, you dump them just like that with just a simple formal sorry??