
Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 272.2K Followers
1 year ago

Fairmont Dubai Clinches Silver for 5-star Hotel of the Year | #hozpitalityexcellenceawards #FairmontDubai #5star #5starHoteloftheYear #hoteloftheyear #jmfoods #fairmonthotels #middleeast #hospitalityexcellence #popularitychoice #servicewithexcellence #hozpitality #silveraward

Fairmont Dubai Clinches Silver for 5-star Hotel of the Year

Fairmont Dubai Clinches Silver for 5-star Hotel of the Year

Fairmont Dubai was recognized during the Middle East Hospitality Excellence Awards.

Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 272.2K Followers
1 year ago

Doubletree by Hilton Dubai Al Jadaf Secures Gold for 4-star Hotel of the Year | #hozpitalityexcellenceawards #DoubletreebyHiltonDubaiAlJadaf #doubletree #hilton #goldaward #middleeast #hospitalityexcellence #4star #4starHoteloftheYear #hoteloftheyear #jmfoods #popularitychoice #servicewithexcellence #hozpitality

Doubletree by Hilton Dubai Al Jadaf Secures Gold for 4-star Hotel of the Year

Doubletree by Hilton Dubai Al Jadaf Secures Gold for 4-star Hotel of the Year

Doubletree by Hilton Dubai Al Jadaf received the gold award for service with excellence.

Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 272.2K Followers
1 year ago

Four Points by Sheraton Production City Dubai Clinches Silver for 4-star Hotel of the Year | #hozpitalityexcellenceawards #fourpointsbysheraton #fourpointsproductioncitydubai #silveraward #4star #4starhoteloftheyear #hoteloftheyear #middleeast #hospitalityexcellence #popularitychoice #jmfoods #hozpitality

Four Points by Sheraton Production City Dubai Clinches Silver for 4-star Hotel of the Year

Four Points by Sheraton Production City Dubai Clinches Silver for 4-star Hotel of the Year

The Four Points by Sheraton Production City Dubai was recognized during the Middle East Hospitality Excellence Awards.

Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 272.2K Followers
1 year ago

Days Hotel by Wyndham Dubai Deira Attains Gold for Hotel of the Year (3-star/Budget Hotel) | #hozpitalityexcellenceawards #dayshotelbywyndhamdubaideira #dayshotel #goldaward #middleeast #hospitalityexcellence #popularitychoice #servicewithexcellence #valorhospitality #hoteloftheyear #budgethotel #jmfoods #hozpitality

Days Hotel by Wyndham Dubai Deira Attains Gold for Hotel of the Year (3-star/Budget Hotel)

Days Hotel by Wyndham Dubai Deira Attains Gold for Hotel of the Year (3-star/Budget Hotel)

The Days Hotel by Wyndham Dubai Deira receives the gold award for service with excellence.

Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 272.2K Followers
1 year ago

‘ibis and Adagio Aparthotel Doha Secure Silver for Hotel of the Year (3-star/Budget Hotel) | #ibisdoha #adagioaparthoteldoha #hozpitalityexcellenceawards #silveraward #3star #budgethotel #middleeast #hospitalityexcellence #popularitychoice #jmfoods #hoteloftheyear #servicewithexcellence #hozpitality

‘ibis and Adagio Aparthotel Doha Secure Silver for Hotel of the Year (3-star/Budget Hotel)

‘ibis and Adagio Aparthotel Doha Secure Silver for Hotel of the Year (3-star/Budget Hotel)

‘ibis and Adagio Aparthotel Doha was recognized during the Middle Hospitality Excellence Awards