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United Arab Emirates UAE | 246.5K Followers
9 days ago

James Hitchens Receives Silver for Executive Chef of the Year – Free Standing Restaurant at the Middle East Chef Excellence Awards 2024 | #jameshitchens #executivechef #silveraward #executivechefoftheyear #freestandingrestaurant #middleeastchefexcellenceawards #hozpitalitygroup #culinaryexcellence #topgolfdubai #dubaievents #estrellagalicia #hozpitality

James Hitchens Receives Silver for Executive Chef of the Year – Free Standing Restaurant at the Middle East Chef Excellence Awards 2024

James Hitchens Receives Silver for Executive Chef of the Year – Free Standing Restaurant at the Middle East Chef Excellence Awards 2024

James has gained extensive experience in various culinary areas throughout his impressive 18-year culinary career.