
United Arab Emirates UAE | 2.2K Followers
2 years ago

Two Nations, One Celebration💐 Igniting Peace and Unity!
Celebrations of India and Pakistan's Independence at RAF Hotel & Suites Dubai.

Our hotel serves as more than just a place to stay; it also represents opportunity and optimism. It serves as a tangible illustration of what is possible when we put aside our differences and work together to achieve a common goal. Together, we have created a booming business that has elevated our hotel beyond the rest of its rivals in terms of profitability.

Our accomplishments can serve as an example for our two powerful countries. It serves as a reminder that harmony and cooperation may have a profoundly positive impact across a wide range of industries, not just the hospitality one.

We at the RAF Hotel & Suites Dubai join you in remembering the sacrifices and tribulations that shaped Pakistan and India into the countries they are today. The rich culture, traditions, and unwavering determination are a source of inspiration to the world.

May the flags of India and Pakistan forever symbolize the ideals of liberty, justice, and unity. Let it remind us all of the importance of preserving our heritage while forging ahead toward a brighter tomorrow.

#rafhoteldubai #celebrations #pakistan #india #independenceday #hotelindubai #peace #unity #hotels #friendship #friendsbeyondborder #dubai #hotelmanagement #emergingpakistan #incredibleindia #hostelsinuae #indopak #aayahhotels #uae #expats #aayahhotelmanagement #hotelier #aayahmanagement #hospitalityindustry #rafhotel


Digital Marketing Manager United Arab Emirates UAE | 12 Followers
2 years ago

Blue Diamond Group extends best wishes, on the joyous occasion of India's 77th Independence Day.
Let’s honor the sacrifices and the vision of those who helped shaped this diverse and vibrant nation.
Happy Independence Day to all Indian all over the world!

#independenceday #freedomstruggle #indiaat77
#proudtobeemirati #unityindiversity #dubai
Blue Diamond Facilities Management Services LLC


United Arab Emirates UAE | 577 Followers
3 years ago

In the commemoration of the Indian Independence Day, Peppermill, our Indian Colonial Inspiration restaurant, collaborated with Funun Arts, a vibrant community of artists, visual arts, designers, photographers and creative brains. This yielded in an afternoon of interaction, expression of art and a culmination of artists together.

The event was also graced by the presence of royalty and government officials. Deepak Bhatia added, "It was truly an afternoon of food, conversations and more. These collaborations create an inviting vibe in our restaurants and there is so much more to explore."

Read more:
Khaleej Times:
Asian Herald:
The Times of UAE:
Current News Dubai:
True Story:
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#khaleejtimes #thetimesofuae #currentnewsdubai #asianherald #media #coverage #independenceday #independenceday2022 #azadikaamritmahotsav

Dubai: Artists of 7 different nationalities paint a picture of India at Peppermill - News | Khaleej Times

United Arab Emirates UAE | 267.9K Followers
3 years ago

#independenceday comes as a reminder for us to remember those great brave hearts who sacrificed their own lives so that we breathe the air of freedom.
Happy Independence Day to all!


United Arab Emirates UAE | 2.8K Followers
3 years ago

We are one with Pakistan to celebrate this special occasion of the country's freedom. Soar high Pakistan! and we look forward to a peaceful and more productive nation.
Happy Independence Day!
#emiratesstars #pakistan #uae #independenceday #pakistanindependenceday
