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United Arab Emirates UAE | 246.2K Followers
8 days ago

Koustuva Ratan Mukherjee Named Among Hozpitality's Best 30 General Managers in India in 2024 | #koustuvaratanmukherjee #prideplaza #mostpopulargm #hotelsinahmedabad #hospitalityindustry #indiahotels #hozpitalitysbest30 #hozpitality

Koustuva Ratan Mukherjee Named Among Hozpitality's Best 30 General Managers in India in 2024

Koustuva Ratan Mukherjee Named Among Hozpitality's Best 30 General Managers in India in 2024

With a strong background in F&B and business-driven initiatives, Mukherjee has demonstrated exceptional leadership and strategic prowess.