
Canal Central Hotel Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 7.6K Followers
2 years ago

Canal Central Hotel Business Bay Posts Significant Progress Towards Net-Zero Carbon Emissions During H1 2023 | #CanalCentralHotelBusinessBay #CanalCentralHotel #DubaiCanal #carbonemissions #keyperformanceindicators #electricity #water #districtcooling #LiquefiedPetroleumGas #LandfillWaste #AbdullaAlAbdulla #hotelsinBusinessBay #centralhotels #hozpitality

Canal Central Hotel Business Bay Posts Significant Progress Towards Net-Zero Carbon Emissions During H1 2023

Canal Central Hotel Business Bay Posts Significant Progress Towards Net-Zero Carbon Emissions During H1 2023

Energy-saving initiatives and sustainable practices are in place for a cleaner and greener future

Canal Central Hotel Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 7.6K Followers
4 years ago

Saturday Sports Brunch at Lilly\s Social House | #CanalCentralAE #CentralHotelsAE #LillysSocialHouse #sports #brunch #hotelsinBusinessBay #hoteloffers #poolaccess #BurjKhalifa #diningoffer #hozpitality

Saturday Sports Brunch at Lilly's Social House

Saturday Sports Brunch at Lilly's Social House

Dining offers while enjoying your favorite sports at Canal Central Hotel.

Canal Central Hotel Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 7.6K Followers
4 years ago

Breakfast with Mom at La Cruise Restaurant | #CanalCentralAE #CentralHotelsAE #mothersday #LillysSocialHouse #diningoffers #viewofBurjKhalifa #hotelsinBusinessBay #celebration #familydining #giftideas #hozpitality

Breakfast with Mom at La Cruise Restaurant

Breakfast with Mom at La Cruise Restaurant

Best way to start the day on Mother's Day.

Canal Central Hotel Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 7.6K Followers
4 years ago

Treat Your Mom with a Sumptuous 3-course Meal at Lilly\s Social House | #CanalCentralAE #CentralHotelsAE #mothersday #LillysSocialHouse #diningoffers #viewofBurjKhalifa #hotelsinBusinessBay #3coursemeal #celebration #familydining #giftideas #hozpitality

Treat Your Mom with a Sumptuous 3-course Meal at Lilly's Social House

Treat Your Mom with a Sumptuous 3-course Meal at Lilly's Social House

Mother's Day treats for a special woman in our lives at Canal Central Hotel.

Canal Central Hotel Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 7.6K Followers
4 years ago

Celebrate Valentine\s Day at Canal Central Hotels Business Bay | #CanalCentralAE #CentralHotelsAE #valentinesoffers #hotelsinBusinessBay #romanticdinner #valentinesdinner #hotelstay #hoteloffers #spatreatment #lillyssocial #DubaiWaterCanal #BurjKhalifa #hozpitality

Celebrate Valentine's Day at Canal Central Hotels Business Bay

Celebrate Valentine's Day at Canal Central Hotels Business Bay

A romantic venue to celebrate love, overlooking the Dubai Water Canal and Burj Khalifa