
Coral Beach Resort Sharjah Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 1.9K Followers
1 year ago

Coral Beach Resort Sharjah Moves to Plastic-free Bottles | #CoralBeachResortSharjah #sustainability #environmentalconservation #innovative #waterbottlingplantsystem #plasticbottles #IftikharHamdani #BeGreenGoGreen #CorporateSocialResponsibility #hotelsinSharjah #hmhhotels #hozpitality

Coral Beach Resort Sharjah Moves to Plastic-free Bottles

Coral Beach Resort Sharjah Moves to Plastic-free Bottles

Launched the onsite Water Bottling Plant to eliminate the single-use plastic bottles

Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 269K Followers
2 years ago

Ahmed Sanad named among Hozpitality's Best 30 Front Office Leaders in the Middle East for 2023 | #ahmedsanad #coralbeachresortsharjah #hmhhotels #hozpitalitybest30 #frontofficeleaders #upsellingstrategies #customerservice #customersatisfaction #hospitalitysuccess #leadership #frontoffice #operations #guestservice #hotelmanagement #popularchoice #hozpitalityexcellenceawards

Ahmed Sanad named among Hozpitality's Best 30 Front Office Leaders in the Middle East for 2023

Ahmed Sanad named among Hozpitality's Best 30 Front Office Leaders in the Middle East for 2023

Witness Ahmed Sanad’s humble beginnings in the hospitality industry.

Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 269K Followers
2 years ago

Casa Samak Restaurant Wins Gold Award for Best Sunset Spot at Middle East F&B Excellence Awards | #casasamak #restaurant #coralbeachresortsharjah #goldaward #fandbawards #foodandbeverage #bestsunsetspot #hmhhotels #hozpitalityexcellenceawards

Casa Samak Restaurant Wins Gold Award for Best Sunset Spot at Middle East F&B Excellence Awards

Casa Samak Restaurant Wins Gold Award for Best Sunset Spot at Middle East F&B Excellence Awards

Casa Samak Restaurant – Coral Beach Resort Sharjah won a Gold Award in the Best Sunset Spot category at the Middle East F&B Excellence Awards on May 4 at The Address Dubai Marina. The award was presented to them by Absolute Frame.

Co-Founder and Managing Director - Hozpitality Group Canada | 260.8K Followers
6 years ago

Healthy is the new delicious! Had fun afternoon cooking with a group of moms on “World Hearts Day” at @coralalbarsha !
As the world is celebrating World heart day, @coralalbarsha came with a concept of cooking nourishing food for the next generation kids to keep them healthy. We had a interesting and interactive session with Chef and prepared some delicious meals which was loved by the kids later. I am certainly going to try some at home for my kids!

#whoisyourheart #coralalbarsha #hmhhotels #healthyisnewdelicious #mydubai #dubai #dubaihotels #foodblogfunn #saturday #saturdayafternoon #momandkidsmoment #mykidsaremylife #cookinglessonsons
