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2 months ago

The Westin Mumbai Powai Lake & Lakeside Chalet - Marriott Executive Apartments Appoints Ekta Kanchan as the Director of Marketing & Communications | #ektakanchan #directorofmarketingandcommunications #westinmumbaipowailakeandlakesidechalet #marriottexecutiveapartments #hemanttenneti #marriott #hozpitality

The Westin Mumbai Powai Lake & Lakeside Chalet - Marriott Executive Apartments Appoints Ekta Kanchan as the Director of Marketing & Communications

The Westin Mumbai Powai Lake & Lakeside Chalet - Marriott Executive Apartments Appoints Ekta Kanchan as the Director of Marketing & Communications

Ekta brings to the role a unique blend of creativity, strategic thinking, and operational understanding from her more than 12 years of extensive experience in the hospitality, F&B marketing, and alcohol and beverage industries.