
Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 263.5K Followers
2 years ago

All Eyes on #raknye2023 Pyromusical Extravaganza Covering 4.7km Set to Welcome 2023 | #visitrasalkhaimah #raktda #newyearseve #pyromusical #guinnessworldrecords #raknye2023 #pyrodrones #nanolights #fireworks #celebration #marjanisland #tourism #hozpitality

All Eyes on #RAKNYE2023 Pyromusical Extravaganza Covering 4.7km Set to Welcome 2023

All Eyes on #RAKNYE2023 Pyromusical Extravaganza Covering 4.7km Set to Welcome 2023

Ras Al Khaimah set to dazzle this New Year's Eve with an astonishing musical firework display and new Guinness World Records attempts

Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 263.5K Followers
4 years ago

Three Emiratis from Abu Dhabi Declared Officially Amazing™ in Celebration of Guinness World Records Day 2020 | #guinnessworldrecords #gwr Day2020 #gwrchallenge #omeirsaeed #farthestwakeboardrampjump #mostwakeboardrailairs #khawlaalromaithi #fastesttimetotraveltoallsevencontinents #meeraalhosani #largestsockword #hozpitality

Three Emiratis from Abu Dhabi Declared Officially Amazing™ in Celebration of Guinness World Records Day 2020

Three Emiratis from Abu Dhabi Declared Officially Amazing™ in Celebration of Guinness World Records Day 2020

Four new GWR titles added to the UAE list, reinforcing the country’s forefront regional position in world records with 425 in total

Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 263.5K Followers
4 years ago

CLYMB™ Abu Dhabi Breaks Two GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ Titles | #guinnessworldrecords #yasisland #clymbabudhabi #biancasammut #worldslargestindoorskydivingwindtunnel #worldstallestindoorartificialclimbingwall #hozpitality



CLYMB™ is now officially home to the world’s largest indoor skydiving wind tunnel and world’s tallest indoor artificial climbing wall.

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United Arab Emirates UAE | 263.5K Followers
5 years ago

Warner Bros. World™ Abu Dhabi Officially Named the World’s Largest Indoor Theme Park | #wbworld #abudhabi #guinnessworldrecords #warnerbros #LargestIndoorThemePark #hozpitality #DonStrickler #themepark

Warner Bros. World™ Abu Dhabi Officially Named the World’s Largest Indoor Theme Park

Warner Bros. World™ Abu Dhabi Officially Named the World’s Largest Indoor Theme Park

The 1.65 million sq. ft. park is the latest of Yas Island’s attractions to be certified by Guinness World Records™

Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 263.5K Followers
6 years ago

UAE Mesmerises the World with Emaar’s Spectacular New Year’s Eve Gala 2019 in Downtown Dubai | #emaar #NYE2019 #celebration #fireworks #guinnessworldrecords #largestLEDilluminatedfacade #tallestLEDilluminatedfacade #longestshow #dubaifountain #BurjKhalifa #laserdisplays #mydubainewyear #MohamedAlabbar #emaardubai #hozpitality

UAE Mesmerises the World with Emaar’s Spectacular  New Year’s Eve Gala 2019 in Downtown Dubai

UAE Mesmerises the World with Emaar’s Spectacular New Year’s Eve Gala 2019 in Downtown Dubai

Fireworks and laser displays on the iconic Burj Khalifa