
So glad to see #villotale guests spreading #happiness in one of our destinations in rural Uttarakhand while exploring something new. With VilloTale , you get a rare opportunity to gather unique experiences while contributing to the society , at large.
#chalogaonkiaor #vocalforlocal #ruraltravel #experientialtravel #summerholidays #summertravel #givingbacktothecommunity #feelgoodholidays


United Arab Emirates UAE | 3.9K Followers
4 years ago - YouTube

In this video, Neel Shukla describes his view on what lifestyle is and how he has taken those concepts to design for 25Hours Hotel, a project his team is crafting 8,000 pieces for! He explains modern travellers’ dynamic which the lifestyle brand aims to cater to.

#travel #luxurylifestyle #lifestyle #hospitality #travel #hotel #interiordesign #travel #experience #experientialtravel #urban #dynamic #newgeneration #25h #instatravel #dubailife #art #crafting #craft #handcrafted #craftsmanship