
Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 267.9K Followers
2 years ago

Rajni Bhatt of Addmind Group, Receives Hygiene Person of the Year Award at Middle East F&B Excellence Awards | #rajnibhatt #hygienemanager #addmindgroup #judgeschoiceaward #hygienepersonoftheyear #fandbawards #middleeastfandbawards #hozpitalityexcellenceawards #safety #health #sustainability #foodmanagement #environment

Rajni Bhatt of Addmind Group, Receives Hygiene Person of the Year Award at Middle East F&B Excellence Awards

Rajni Bhatt of Addmind Group, Receives Hygiene Person of the Year Award at Middle East F&B Excellence Awards

Rajni Bhatt’s exceptional contributions to the hospitality industry, commitment to food safety, and expertise in sustainability practices have set her apart as a leader in her field.

Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 267.9K Followers
2 years ago

4VI Invests more than $1 Million in Local Businesses and Tourism on Vancouver Island | #4vi #tourismvancouverisland #culture #environment #tourism #indigenous #vancouverisland #hozpitality

4VI Invests more than $1 Million in Local Businesses and Tourism on Vancouver Island

4VI Invests more than $1 Million in Local Businesses and Tourism on Vancouver Island

Some exciting news out of Vancouver Island

CapitaLand Investment Pay on Performance created new article
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Singapore | 2.7K Followers
2 years ago

CapitaLand Ascott Trust retains top sustainability ranking as ‘Global Sector Leader’ in 2022 GRESB Real Estate Assessment for second consecutive year | #sustainability #hospitality #sustainable Finance #rankings #environment

CapitaLand Ascott Trust retains top sustainability ranking as ‘Global Sector Leader’ in 2022 GRESB Real Estate Assessment for second consecutive year

CapitaLand Ascott Trust retains top sustainability ranking as ‘Global Sector Leader’ in 2022 GRESB Real Estate Assessment for second consecutive year

The only listed hospitality trust in Asia-Pacific to receive the highest rating of 5 stars

Radisson Blu Hotel, Dubai Waterfront Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 1.5K Followers
2 years ago

Radisson Blu in Dubai Participate in EEG Campaign | #RadissonBlu #EmiratesEnvironmentalGroup #campaign #OneRootOneCommuniTree #DubaiWaterfront #DubaiCanalView #environment #donation #recycle #hozpitality

Radisson Blu in Dubai Participate in EEG Campaign

Radisson Blu in Dubai Participate in EEG Campaign

Radisson Blu Hotel, Dubai Waterfront, and Radisson Blu Hotel, Dubai Canal View donated paper items and empty aluminum cans to Emirates Environmental Group for its recycling Campaign for 2022.

Dubai Tourism Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 5.3K Followers
2 years ago

Dubai Can Initiative Celebrates Six-Month Milestone | #DubaiTourism #DubaiCan #initiative #campaign #sustainability #drinkingwaterfountain #environment #YousufLootah #refillforlife #mindset #talabat #AbdullaBinhabtoor #TatianaRahal #ShamalHolding #IbrahimAlZubi #MajidAlFuttaim #MohammadABaker #HasanAvci #Grundfos #emaar #DellTechnologies #electrolux #pepsi #hozpitality

Dubai Can Initiative Celebrates Six-Month Milestone

Dubai Can Initiative Celebrates Six-Month Milestone

Dubai Can initiative cuts single-use plastic bottle usage by 3.5 million