
Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 263.5K Followers
4 years ago

MyMaximus, a First of its Kind Vocational Support Center in the GCC for People of Determination, Opens in DIP | #mymaximus #dubaiinvestmentspark #vocationaltrainingcenter #khalidbinkalban #dubaiinvestments #mohammedsaeedalraqbani #sustainability #peopleofdetermination #learnandearn #nahidmudathirhassan #hozpitality

MyMaximus, a First of its Kind Vocational Support Center in the GCC for People of Determination, Opens in DIP

MyMaximus, a First of its Kind Vocational Support Center in the GCC for People of Determination, Opens in DIP

Opening of its first centre in Dubai Investments Park

Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
created new article
United Arab Emirates UAE | 263.5K Followers
6 years ago

Premier Inn Dubai Investments Park to Host Meet & Greet with Bali Legends Rugby Team | #PremierInn #dubaiinvestmentspark #meetandgreet #mrtoads #balilegends #rugbyteam #AdamPersico #hozpitality #RussellEarnshaw #PollyBrooks #DanMiller #dansfundforburns #interview #charity

Premier Inn Dubai Investments Park to Host Meet & Greet with Bali Legends Rugby Team

Premier Inn Dubai Investments Park to Host Meet & Greet with Bali Legends Rugby Team

The event will take place from 6pm – 8pm on the 28th of November