
Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 263.5K Followers
4 years ago

Detroit Foundation Hotel Reopens October 4 Along with Its Flagship Restaurant, Apparatus Room | #aparium #detroitfoundationhotel #covid19 #apparatusroom #philipsalud #thomaslents #jeanjoho #hozpitality

Detroit Foundation Hotel Reopens October 4 Along with Its Flagship Restaurant, Apparatus Room

Detroit Foundation Hotel Reopens October 4 Along with Its Flagship Restaurant, Apparatus Room

Executive Chef Thomas Lents debuts a revamped menu paying homage to iconic new American dishes and cocktails

Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
created new article
United Arab Emirates UAE | 263.5K Followers
4 years ago

Aparium Hotel Group Rapidly Expands with Six New U.S. Properties | #apariumhotelgroup #kevinrobinson #mariotricoci #crossroadshotel #detroitfoundationhotel #hotelhaya #suretyhotel #jasperhotel #daxtonhotel #cyrushotel #themchotel #hewinghotel #hozpitality

Aparium Hotel Group Rapidly Expands with Six New U.S. Properties

Aparium Hotel Group Rapidly Expands with Six New U.S. Properties

Early bets on midsize cities pay off for Aparium, trailblazing hotel "anti-brand" now set to unveil industry's most ambitious pipeline for 2020 / 21 /22