I am honored to be invited as a guest and judge the contest among the staff 😍
#bahiajmanpalacehotel #coralbeachsharjah #staffparty #hozpitality

I am honored to be invited as a guest and judge the contest among the staff 😍
#bahiajmanpalacehotel #coralbeachsharjah #staffparty #hozpitality
Here are the Events/Banquets Champion of the Year finalists at the 9th Middle East Hospitality Excellence Awards.
Please help your favorite hotelier win.
#hozpitalityexcellenceawards #personalcategory #hotelier #hozpitality #events #banquet #ahammadmdosman #rafhotel #ahmedismail #addressboulevard #dorcasbaffoe #waldorfrak #harisanghillath #sheratonmoe #hussainmithaiwala #addressdubaimarina #khristinecruz #coralbeachsharjah #luizavafieva #towerplazadubai #macmendoza #hiltondubaijumeirah #maymagdyfahmy #ramadaajman #vinaymadhav #radissondubaideiracreek
Here are the Health/Safety Champion of the Year finalists at the 9th Middle East Hospitality Excellence Awards.
Please help your favorite hotelier win.
#hozpitalityexcellenceawards #personalcategory #hotelier #hozpitality #health #safety #sreekumariajith #habtoorhospitality #isaacziwa #ibisdoha #jamesbongomin #centralhotels #premamenon #swissotelalmurooj #rageshsreedharan #fourpointssharjah #shanrameshan #wyndhamdubaideira #mohamedelbages #addressdubaimarina #tanzeelasahar #jumeirarotana #villarotana #wajidali #ramadaajman #zakiamiralhourani #coralbeachsharjah
Here are the Procurement/Supply Chain Champion of the Year finalists at the 9th Middle East Hospitality Excellence Awards.
Please help your favorite hotelier win.
#hozpitalityexcellenceawards #personalcategory #hotelier #hozpitality #procurement #supplychain #fariskurupillath #jannahhotels #goutamsharma #emiratesflightcatering #jaisonjames #ibisonecentral #kalimrikarti #tivolihotels #kishorputhiyathu #adagiodoha #javedali #bahiajmanpalace #coralbeachsharjah #mohamedreda #ramadaajman #nikhilradhakrishnan #ramadajbr #niteshchhabra #kitopi #rajeebrawther #fairmont
Here are the Accounts and Finance Champion of the Year finalists at the 9th Middle East Hospitality Excellence Awards.
Please help your favorite hotelier win.
#hozpitalityexcellenceawards #personalcategory #hotelier #hozpitality #accounts #finance #abdulahsan #dreaminnholidays #ikhtiarahmed #coralbeachsharjah #krzysztofgrzelak #radissonbludubaideiracreek #maneshpg #wyndhamajman #muhammadaslam #tivolihotel #nishaunnikrishnan #fourpointssharjah #salmanriaz #jannahhotels #sandeepsingh #retreatthepalm #warlitocruz #zerogravitydubai #zakirkhan #novotelworldtradecentre