
Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 267.9K Followers
1 year ago

Coral Beach Resort Sharjah Takes the Gold Award for Sustainable Initiative | #coralbeachresortsharjah #hozpitalityexcellenceawards #goldaward #sustainableinitiative #hoteloftheyear #middleeast #hospitalityexcellence #minorhotels #arabianranchesgolfclub #technicalchemicallaboratories #hozpitality #sustainablefarming #organicproduce #conservation #treeplanting #recycle #bottlingplant

Coral Beach Resort Sharjah Takes the Gold Award for Sustainable Initiative

Coral Beach Resort Sharjah Takes the Gold Award for Sustainable Initiative

Coral Beach Resort Sharjah is this year’s Hotel of the Year – Sustainable Initiative winner

Central Hotels & Resorts Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 8.7K Followers
2 years ago

Central Hotels & Resorts Unveils Water Conservation Measures | #CentralHotels #AbdullaAlAbdulla #waterconservation #CanalCentralHotel #CCentralResortThePalm #RoyalCentralHotelThePalm #waterreduction #conservation #sustainability #watertreatmentplant #hozpitality

Central Hotels & Resorts Unveils Water Conservation Measures

Central Hotels & Resorts Unveils Water Conservation Measures

Targets 10% water reduction this year

United Arab Emirates UAE | 4 Followers
2 years ago

We are proud to announce the launch of Natur Vita mineral water from the spring of Apennines mountain, Italy directly to UAE.
contact for inquiry : #mineralwater #water #healthy #healthylifestyle #drinkingwater #drinkwater #purewater #hydration #stayhydrated #health #bottledwater #premiumwater #cleanwater #milagros #waterfilter #spa #waterpurifier #fitness #mineral #healthyliving #airmineral #wellness #waterislife #drink #finewater #hydrate #nature #acquaminerale #mineralwasser #watertreatment #springwater #globalwarming #energy #environmentallyfriendly #conservation #smallbusiness #sustainabledesign #reuse #noplastic #zerowasteliving #reducereuserecycle #climatecrisis #climate #greenenergy #community #cleanenergy #greenliving #ecofriendly #sustainablelifestyle #natural #bethechange #foodandbeverages #uae


Minor Hotels Pay on Performance created new article
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Thailand | 2.8K Followers
3 years ago

Anantara in Phuket Participate at the Annual Baby Turtle and Shark Release | #minorhotels #anantara #AnantaraLayan #avaniphuket #babyturtle #babyshark #conservation #MaiKhaoMarineTurtleFoundation #PhuketMarineBiologyCentre #AnantaraMaiKhao #bambooshark #hozpitality

Anantara in Phuket Participate at the Annual Baby Turtle and Shark Release

Anantara in Phuket Participate at the Annual Baby Turtle and Shark Release

Anantara Resorts in Phuket give nature a helping hand with their annual baby turtle and shark release

Atlantis The Palm, Dubai Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 3K Followers
4 years ago

Atlantis Atlas Project Launches on World Oceans Day | #atlantis #atlantisdubai #sustainability #WorldOceansDay #AtlantisAtlasProject #marineconservation #animalwelfare #conservation #CorporateSocialResponsibility #ResponsibleOperations #education #awareness #KypCharalambous #AtlantisThePalm #AWorldAway #DifferentInWater #ServingTheExtraordinary #hozpitality

Atlantis Atlas Project Launches on World Oceans Day

Atlantis Atlas Project Launches on World Oceans Day

Atlantis Dubai’s brand-new sustainability initiative, Atlantis Atlas Project, signals the destination’s commitment to caring for people and planet, providing a more responsible tourism experience for visitors and guests.