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United Arab Emirates UAE | 272.5K Followers
3 years ago

Sensei announces the appointments of key leadership positions for upcoming Sensei Porcupine Creek, California | #sensei #senseiporcupinecreek #ranchomirage #california #usa #appointments #luxuryhospitality #newpositions #julieoliff #tiffanyli #andreawieland #cameraonpetrelli #seeunwezy #takahiromasuno #privategolfcourse #worldclasstennisfacility #spa #hospitality #resort #hozpitality #hozpitalityplus

Sensei announces the appointments of key leadership positions for upcoming Sensei Porcupine Creek, California

Sensei announces the appointments of key leadership positions for upcoming Sensei Porcupine Creek, California

Highly anticipated Rancho Mirage Property, opening this fall is joined by the Wellness and Luxury Hospitality Industry Veterans to lead the team