
Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 267.7K Followers
10 months ago

Ahmed Hammouda Wins Judges Choice for Rising Star of the Year at the 2nd Middle East F&B Excellence Awards | #ahmedhammouda #thetowerplazahoteldubai #judgeschoice #risingstar #middleeast #foodandbeverage #fandbawards #hospitalityexcellence #hozpitalitygroup #hozpitality

Ahmed Hammouda Wins Judges Choice for Rising Star of the Year at the 2nd Middle East F&B Excellence Awards

Ahmed Hammouda Wins Judges Choice for Rising Star of the Year at the 2nd Middle East F&B Excellence Awards

Ahmed Hammouda of The Tower Plaza Hotel Dubai was recognized for his remarkable contribution to the industry.

Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
created new article
United Arab Emirates UAE | 267.7K Followers
1 year ago

Ahmed Hammouda: A Culinary Maestro Named Among Hozpitality's Best 30 F&B Leaders in the Middle East | #ahmedhammouda #thetowerplazahotel #hozpitalitysbest30 #hozpitalityexcellenceawards #foodandbeverage #fandbleaders #inspiringstories #industryleaders #best30leaders #diningexperience #hozpitality

Ahmed Hammouda: A Culinary Maestro Named Among Hozpitality's Best 30 F&B Leaders in the Middle East

Ahmed Hammouda: A Culinary Maestro Named Among Hozpitality's Best 30 F&B Leaders in the Middle East

Ahmed Hammouda, Food and Beverage Manager at The Tower Plaza Hotel, has been recognized as one of the Best 30 F&B Leaders in the Middle East by Hozpitality Group.

United Arab Emirates UAE | 267.7K Followers
1 year ago

Here are the finalists for the Food and Beverage Service Champion of the Year category at the 9th Middle East Hospitality Excellence Awards.

Please help your favorite hotelier win.

#hozpitalityexcellenceawards #personalcategory #hotelier #hozpitality #foodandbeverage #abdelladimhakkadi #addressboulevard #ahmedhammouda #thetowerplazadubai #glaciemagsombol #paramounthotelmidtown #jagbirjasrotia #dusitthanidubai #kishorekotian #royalcentralthepalm #kumareshsubramanian #zerogravitydubai #pierredesfontaine #lexingtongrill #waldorfastoriarak #saadmabrouk #bahiajmanpalace #someshmazumder #fourpointsproductioncity #vijaybussa #theretreatpalmdubai
