
Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 272.4K Followers
1 year ago

Adel Sajan of Danube Group Secures Gold Award for Entrepreneur of the Year | #adelsajan #hozpitalityexcellenceawards #goldaward #middleeast #hospitalityexcellence #danube #managingdirector #entrepreneuroftheyear #popularitychoice #servicewithexcellence #hozpitality #shubhojitmahalanobis #rizwansajan

Adel Sajan of Danube Group Secures Gold Award for Entrepreneur of the Year

Adel Sajan of Danube Group Secures Gold Award for Entrepreneur of the Year

Danube celebrates victory as their managing director won the gold award for hospitality excellence.

United Arab Emirates UAE | 272.4K Followers
1 year ago

Here are the finalists for the Entrepreneur of the Year of the Year category at the 9th Middle East Hospitality Excellence Awards.

Please help your favorite hotelier to win.

#hozpitalityexcellenceawards #personalcategory #hotelier #entrepreneur #hozpitality #adelsajan #hakancelikadam #karanmasand #mhdalialdada #naimmaadad #rajanjs #ranjitharaghavan #danube #traumkaffee #aegan #horizonsolutions #gateshospitality #jmfoods #backtonature
