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United Arab Emirates UAE | 263.5K Followers
10 months ago

Sonu Gupta Won Silver for Hospitality Rising Star of the Year at the Indian Hospitality Excellence Awards 2023 | #SonuGupta #HospitalityRisingStar #TipoftheDay #hospitality #hozpitalityexcellenceawards #IndianHospitalityExcellenceAwards #HozpitalityGroup #hospitalityexcellence #ShilpWellness #servicewithexcellence #recognition #silveraward #hozpitality

Sonu Gupta Won Silver for Hospitality Rising Star of the Year at the Indian Hospitality Excellence Awards 2023

Sonu Gupta Won Silver for Hospitality Rising Star of the Year at the Indian Hospitality Excellence Awards 2023

Sonu Gupta is an influential performer and a team leader.