
Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 272.4K Followers
2 years ago

The Rebirth of the London Landmark: The Owo Opens on the 29th of September 2023 | #RafflesLondonatTheOwo #RafflesLondon #TheOwo #Whitehall #Chef MauroColagreco #GuerlainSpaandPillarWellbeing #hotelopening #raffles #SanjayHinduja #HindujaGroup #SebastienBazin #accor #OmerAcar #OrientExpress #Saison #PhilippeLeboeuf #EndoKazutoshi #Langosteria #hozpitality

The Rebirth of the London Landmark: The Owo Opens on the 29th of September 2023

The Rebirth of the London Landmark: The Owo Opens on the 29th of September 2023

We are excited to announce a momentous addition to the Raffles Hotels & Resorts portfolio – Raffles London at The OWO. The first Raffles hotel to launch in the UK is set to open on Friday, 29th September.

Accor Hotels Pay on Performance created new article
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France | 43.7K Followers
3 years ago

Accor Expands in Morocco with a New Property to Open in November 2022 | #accor #KataraHospitality #qatar #FairmontTaziPalaceTangier #hotelsinMorocco #morocco #hotelopenings #SebastienBazin #FabienGastinel #hozpitality

Accor Expands in Morocco with a New Property to Open in November 2022

Accor Expands in Morocco with a New Property to Open in November 2022

Katara Hospitality and Accor expand partnership with the signing of Fairmont Tazi Palace Tangier

Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 272.4K Followers
6 years ago

AHIC 2019 Kicks off with ‘Day of Disruption’ in Ras Al Khaimah | #ArabianHotelInvestmentConference #ahic2019 #rasalkhaimah #JonathanWorsley #DayofDisruption #JulieHamilton #NickvanMarken #SebastienBazin #ChinmayShukla #MariadelaFuenteCorrales #raktourism #investment #arabianconference #hozpitality

AHIC 2019 Kicks off with ‘Day of Disruption’ in Ras Al Khaimah

AHIC 2019 Kicks off with ‘Day of Disruption’ in Ras Al Khaimah

Speakers from Coca Cola, Google, Accor, PwC and many more urge hospitality professionals to modernise their businesses and face digital disruptors head-on

Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 272.4K Followers
6 years ago

Accor Reveals Dynamic Roadmap for Accelerating MEA Growth at the Arabian Hotel Investment Conference | #AHIC #ArabianHotelInvestmentConference #accor #MarkWillis #SynchingforSuccess #SebastienBazin #GauravBhushan #FettahTamince #AdrianGardiner #LouisAbiAbboud #accormiddleeast #hozpitality

Accor Reveals Dynamic Roadmap for Accelerating MEA Growth at the Arabian Hotel Investment Conference

Accor Reveals Dynamic Roadmap for Accelerating MEA Growth at the Arabian Hotel Investment Conference

Group identifies segments crucial to ongoing expansion and reinforces lifestyle ambitions and leadership position

Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 272.4K Followers
6 years ago

ALL, Becomes Principal Partner and Jersey Sponsor of Paris Saint-Germain Football Club | #accor #ParisSaintGermain #football #partnership #accorlivelimitless #jerseysponsor #principalpartner #SebastienBazin #hozpitality

ALL, Becomes Principal Partner and Jersey Sponsor of Paris Saint-Germain Football Club

ALL, Becomes Principal Partner and Jersey Sponsor of Paris Saint-Germain Football Club

ALL is Accor’s new lifestyle loyalty program