
6 years ago

The only equipment you need for yoga is your mind and body. Look after them with utmost care! Even if you are flying today, spend a few moments in silence, reflect on your breathe and stretch your arms and legs out. Happy International Day of Yoga.

#DubaiInternationalHotel #AirpotHotel #DxbAirport #DxbAirportHotel #DxbTransit #TransitDubai #DubaiTransit #AirportHotelDubai #DubaiAirportHotel #InternationalDayofYoga #Yoga #Peace #Breathe #Rest #Relax #TimelessSpa #WellnessDubai #WellnessDxb


United Arab Emirates UAE | 3.5K Followers
6 years ago

"I'm so good at sleep, I can do it with my eyes closed".
Did you know that a good night's sleep is as important as eating healthy and exercising.
Check into our spacious rooms at Dubai International Hotel and grab a quick shut-eye or a beauty-sleep before or after a tiresome flight. There are so many benefits of having a good sleep, and are so often overlooked. Today, on World Sleep Day, open your eyes to the immense advantages of sticking to your natural sleep rythm of 7-8 hours.
#DubaiInternationalAirport #Dubai #DubaiAirport #AhlanDXB #Welcome
#WorldSleepDay #Rest #Sleep #Recover #Heal #TimelessSpa


6 years ago

"I'm so good at sleep, I can do it with my eyes closed".
Did you know that a good night's sleep is as important as eating healthy and exercising.
Check into our spacious rooms at Dubai International Hotel and grab a quick shut-eye or a beauty-sleep before or after a tiresome flight. There are so many benefits of having a good sleep, and are so often overlooked. Today, on World Sleep Day, open your eyes to the immense advantages of sticking to your natural sleep rythm of 7-8 hours.
#DubaiInternationalAirport #Dubai #DubaiAirport #AhlanDXB #Welcome
#WorldSleepDay #Rest #Sleep #Recover #Heal #TimelessSpa
