
Wyndham Hotels & Resorts Pay on Performance created new article
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United Kingdom | 4.5K Followers
2 years ago

Ocean Inn Hotels Inks Agreement with Wyndham Hotels Resorts | #WyndhamGardenJaipurBanskho #WyndhamHotels #OceanInnHotels #hotelsinJaipur #WyndhamGarden #Rajasthan #AjaySharma #AbdulKalam #NikhilSharma #agreement #franchise #hozpitality

Ocean Inn Hotels Inks Agreement with Wyndham Hotels & Resorts

Ocean Inn Hotels Inks Agreement with Wyndham Hotels & Resorts

The signing of Wyndham Garden Jaipur Banskho

Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 263.2K Followers
5 years ago

Live Like a Maharaja on Airbnb | #airbnb #CityPalaceofJaipur #RoyalFamily #GudliyaSuite #Rajasthan #maharaja #hozpitality

Live Like a Maharaja on Airbnb

Live Like a Maharaja on Airbnb

Jaipur’s Royal Family becomes Airbnb’s first Royal Hosts, listing their family home, the City Palace of Jaipur on Airbnb