
Minor Hotels Pay on Performance created new article
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Thailand | 2.8K Followers
4 years ago

Anantara Golden Triangle Offers Unique Virtual Field Trips for Children in Lockdown | #AnantaraGoldenTriangle #anantara #ElephantCamp #GoldenTriangleAsianElephantFoundation #JohnRoberts #sustainability #conservation #resortsinThailand #rescueelephants #hozpitality #fieldtrip #virtual #interactive

Anantara Golden Triangle Offers Unique Virtual Field Trips for Children in Lockdown

Anantara Golden Triangle Offers Unique Virtual Field Trips for Children in Lockdown

A cool and interactive live virtual school trip starring rescued elephants.

Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 272.4K Followers
5 years ago

The Elephant in the Zoom | #anantara #elephantwelfare #HumanElephantLearningPrograms #charity #foundation #GoldenTriangleAsianElephantFoundation #AnantaraGoldenTriangleElephantCamp #zoomvideocalls #JohnRoberts #MarleeHorobin

The Elephant in the Zoom

The Elephant in the Zoom

How to Make a Trunk Video Call and Support Elephant Welfare

Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 272.4K Followers
7 years ago

Anantara Hotels & Resorts Continues to Pave the Future for Luxury Sustainable Tourism with a Global Ban of Plastic Straws | #anantarahotels #minorhotels #plasticstraws #globalban #JohnRoberts #sustainability #conservation #tourism #worldwide #hozpitalitygroup #hozpitalityplus

Anantara Hotels Continues to Pave the Future for Luxury Sustainable Tourism with a Global Ban of Plastic Straws

Anantara Hotels Continues to Pave the Future for Luxury Sustainable Tourism with a Global Ban of Plastic Straws

Announces that from 1st of October 2018 all plastic straws will be banned at every single Anantara property around the world.