
Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 263.5K Followers
11 months ago

Hozpitality Group Elevates Presence in India with Grand Gala Ceremony for 3rd Indian Hospitality Excellence Awards in Mumbai | #HozpitalityGroup #hozpitalityexcellenceawards #IndianHospitalityExcellenceAwards #RajBhatt #AlokKaul #StaveHospitality #ShilpWellness #IndianAwards #popularitychoiceawards #hospitality #recognition #30bestGM #generalmanager #hospitalityleaders #networking #smokelab #MArtist #effnbee #3sisters #lovefoolsdinnerlab #IndianSpices #hozpitality

Hozpitality Group Elevates Presence in India with Grand Gala Ceremony for 3rd Indian Hospitality Excellence Awards in Mumbai

Hozpitality Group Elevates Presence in India with Grand Gala Ceremony for 3rd Indian Hospitality Excellence Awards in Mumbai

Hozpitality Group's live awards gala at Shilp Wellness, Navi Mumbai marks significant expansion in the Indian hospitality landscape.

Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 263.5K Followers
2 years ago

Siddharth Bhurat Recognized as the Commended Entrepreneur of the Year | #SiddharthBhurat #IndianAwards #hozpitalityexcellenceawards #JudgesChoiceAward #KhaneKaPitara #Entrepreneur #CommendedEntrepreneur #HozpitalityGroup #cookbook #culinary #ChefSiddharth

Siddharth Bhurat Recognized as the Commended Entrepreneur of the Year

Siddharth Bhurat Recognized as the Commended Entrepreneur of the Year

Judges Choice Award recipient for hospitality excellence.

Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 263.5K Followers
2 years ago

Pankaj Saxena Recognized as the GM of the Year at the 2nd Indian Hospitality Excellence Awards 2022 | #PankajSaxena #RadissonBlu #GoldAward #PuneKharadi #hotelier #IndianAwards #hozpitalityexcellenceawards #generalmanager #HozpitalityGroup

Pankaj Saxena Recognized as the GM of the Year at the 2nd Indian Hospitality Excellence Awards 2022

Pankaj Saxena Recognized as the GM of the Year at the 2nd Indian Hospitality Excellence Awards 2022

Gold Awardee for popularity choice at the 2nd Indian Hospitality Excellence Awards