
Hyatt Hotels Pay on Performance created new article
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United States | 26.4K Followers
2 years ago

New Appointments at Park Hyatt Beaver Creek Brings Exciting Expertise and Innovation | #ParkHyattBeaverCreek #JerryAhLiangNgPiangChag #JitenderChaudhary #BrijSingh #INyomanBayuJayandana #onthemove #ExecutiveSousChef #ChefDeCuisine #PastryChef #cheflife #appointment #culinary #hozpitality #beavercreek #hyatt #HerbRackliff

New Appointments at Park Hyatt Beaver Creek Brings Exciting Expertise and Innovation

New Appointments at Park Hyatt Beaver Creek Brings Exciting Expertise and Innovation

The hotel introduces several new members of its culinary team, including Chef Jerry Ah Liang Ng Piang Chag, Chef Jitender Chaudhary, Chef Brij Singh, and Chef I Nyoman Bayu Jayandana