
Dubai Tourism Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 5.3K Followers
2 years ago

The 22nd Edition of IFOS Congress 2023 in Dubai | #DepartmentofEconomyandTourism #dubaiDET #ifos2023 #InternationalFederationofOtorhinolaryngologicalSocieties #worldcongrss #DubaiWorldTradeCentre #event #EmiratesORLSociety #BernardFraysse #HussainAbdulrahmanAlRand #hozpitality

The 22nd Edition of IFOS Congress 2023 in Dubai

The 22nd Edition of IFOS Congress 2023 in Dubai

City’s resilience and strong response to the pandemic recognised as International Federation of Otorhinolaryngological Societies becomes latest organization to bring global event to Dubai