
Minor Hotels Pay on Performance created new article
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Thailand | 2.8K Followers
1 year ago

Estelle Vassallo as General Manager at Anantara Convento di Amalfi Grand Hotel | #MinorHotels #AnantaraConvento #Amalfi #EstelleVassallo #appointment #GeneralManager #onthemove #leaders #hospitality #hozpitality #hozpitalityplus #hozpitalitygroup

Estelle Vassallo as General Manager at Anantara Convento di Amalfi Grand Hotel

Estelle Vassallo as General Manager at Anantara Convento di Amalfi Grand Hotel

Minor Hotels Celebrates Appointment of Estelle Vassallo as General Manager of Anantara Convento di Amalfi Grand Hotel

HILTON DUBAI JUMEIRAH Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 1.9K Followers
3 years ago

Late Night Happy Hour at VERO Restaurant | #VeroDXB #HiltonDubaiJumeirah #TheWalk #hiltonJBR #Amalfi #instagrammable #happyhour #latenight #diningoffers #restaurants #bar #hozpitality

Late Night Happy Hour at VERO Restaurant

Late Night Happy Hour at VERO Restaurant

VERO restaurant revealed a new bar area and is set to launch the late-night happy hour this summer