
Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
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United Arab Emirates UAE | 263.5K Followers
6 years ago

IATA Launches CEIV Fresh | #InternationalAirTransportAssociation #CEIVFresh #IATA #CenterforExcellenceforPerishableLogistics #certification #aircargo #AlexandredeJuniac #PerishableCargoRegulations #AirportAuthorityHongKong #CathayPacific #CathayPacificServicesLimited #HongKongAirCargoTerminalsLimited #hozpitality

IATA Launches CEIV Fresh

IATA Launches CEIV Fresh

New industry certification — the Center for Excellence for Perishable Logistics

Hozpitality Group Pay on Performance created new article
created new article
United Arab Emirates UAE | 263.5K Followers
6 years ago

Air Cargo Priorities: Trade, Global Standards and Modernization | #IATA #InternationalAirTransportAssociation #aircargo #trade #globalstandards #modernization #AlexandredeJuniac #hozpitality

Air Cargo Priorities: Trade, Global Standards and Modernization

Air Cargo Priorities: Trade, Global Standards and Modernization

Aims to accommodate the expanding demand for air cargo.