Hotelandrest News Website: The cruise line connecting Abu Dhabi, Hurghada, Sharm El Sheikh, and Aqaba will enhance intra-Arab tourism
Hotelandrest News Website: The cruise line connecting Abu Dhabi, Hurghada, Sharm El Sheikh, and Aqaba will enhance intra-Arab tourism, a popular Abu Dhabi based news website, stated that Abu Dhabi Ports Groups intention to operate the first cruise line that links the coastlines of Abu Dhabi, Hurghada, Sharm El Sheikh, and the Jordanian city, Aqaba, will enhance the intra-Arab tourism.
The news website asserted that the development plans for such a cruise line, which will be operated according to an agreement signed between Abu Dhabi Ports Groups and Egypt’s Red Sea Ports Authority, is an actual translation of the ambitious and long-awaited projects to enhance intra-Arab tourism.
According to the news website, the cruise line is expected to transport thousands of tourists from Abu Dhabi, Dubai, and other GCC cities across the Red Sea, especially with the extreme lack of direct flights to the cities situated along the Red Sea coastlines and the Jordanian Aqaba. This will also activate cruise ships, hotels, and resorts of Abu Dhabi, Hurghada, Sharm El Sheikh, and Aqaba all year long due to the affordability of such cruises and the amusement travelers experience while traveling across the sea. emphasized that the economic revenues will be huge as the cruise line will attract more tourists from Europe, Asia, and other Arab countries to travel across the Arabian Gulf to the Red Sea which is known for its rare coral reefs, mild weather, natural reserves, and luxurious resorts.
In addition, this line will be competing the European cruise lines across the Mediterranean, Adriatic, Atlantic, and others, which attract tourists from the Gulf and the Arab countries to different European-Mediterranean destinations.
According to the announced agreement, Abu Dhabi Ports Group will develop, operate, and manage a multipurpose terminal cruise ship in Safaga port in collaboration with the Egyptian Group for Multipurpose Terminals Company, the commercial division of the Egyptian Ministry of Transportation.
The news website stated that operating the cruise line that links the coastlines of Abu Dhabi, Hurghada, Sharm El Sheikh, and Aqaba, and conducting the necessary developments to enhance tourists’ experience, will create an unprecedented tourism activity and provide more work opportunities. It will also promote commercial and industrial activities across the Red Sea region.
Aashif Shaikh
Mumbai, India