Grand Master Chef, ITC Hotels
(2nd February 1931 - 16th February 2024)
Inalillahi Wainailaihi Rajiun #hozpitalityindia #hozpitality #hospitalityworld #hospitality
Eating meals together as a family and avoiding the use of gadgets during mealtime is a wonderful practice to promote connection, communication, and mindfulness.
If you find it difficult to resist using your phone while eating, here are some tips to help you de-addict from phone usage during meals:
Set a dedicated time for meals: Allocate a specific time for meals when everyone in the family gathers together. This will create a routine and make it easier to avoid using gadgets during mealtime.
Create a gadget-free zone: Designate the dining area or table as a gadget-free zone. Encourage everyone in the family, including yourself, to keep their devices away from the dining area to minimize distractions.
Turn off notifications: Prior to sitting down for a meal, switch off or silence your phone and turn off notifications. This will reduce the temptation to check your phone and help you stay present during the meal.
Engage in conversation: Use mealtime as an opportunity to engage in meaningful conversations with your family members. Initiate discussions, ask about their day, or share interesting stories. Focusing on conversation will divert your attention from your phone.
Practice mindfulness: Be mindful of the sensory experience of eating. Pay attention to the taste, texture, and aroma of the food. Engage your senses fully and savor each bite. This will help you stay present in the moment and reduce the desire to use your phone.
Find alternative activities: If you feel the urge to reach for your phone, find alternative activities to keep yourself engaged. You can bring a book or magazine to read during meal breaks, or engage in light family games or discussions.
Set realistic goals: Gradually reduce your phone usage during meals instead of going cold turkey. Set achievable goals, such as starting with one meal a day without gadgets and gradually increasing the number of gadget-free meals per week.
Lead by example: Be a role model for your family by refraining from using your phone during meals. When others see your commitment and focus, they are more likely to follow suit.
Breaking any habit takes time and effort. Stay consistent and patient with yourself and your family members as you work towards creating a healthier mealtime routine.
We all can't eat our Breakfast & Lunch with our family while rushing to offices or school. Kindly make a point and eat Dinner together. Dinner is not just eating food, It's Family Time!