United States
Green Lodging News, a Hasek Communications L.L.C. publication, is the lodging industry’s leading environmental news source. Glenn Hasek is the publisher and editor. Created in 2006, Green Lodging News consists of the Green Lodging News website, weekly Monday e-newsletter, weekly Wednesday Green Supplier Spotlight e-blast that focuses on one supplier, and weekly Thursday Green Suppliers Spotlight that includes more than one supplier. The website currently attracts an average of 35,000 unique visitors and 65,000 total visits a month. The newsletter and Spotlight e-blasts reach more than 25,000 opt-in subscribers. To subscribe to the newsletter and Green Supplier Spotlights, click on one of the “Subscribe” links on the Green Lodging News home page, or e-mail greenlodgingnews@gmail.com to be added to the circulation list. To advertise, you may also contact greenlodgingnews@gmail.com or click here for more information.
Glenn Hasek has more than 27 years of lodging industry experience—as a journalist, public relations consultant and publisher. He got his start in 1989 with what was then Hotel & Motel Management magazine. He worked there until 1996 and again with the publication from 2000 to 2001. Glenn Hasek has spoken and moderated at many industry events and has received numerous awards for his work.