Second successive Summer Training Programme for students between the ages of 16-19.

Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 5 July 2021:The Dubai College of Tourism (DCT), part of the Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (Dubai Tourism), has announced its second successive Summer Training Programme for students between the ages of 16-19.
The distance learning online programme of Medyaf aims to increase Emiratisation within the tourism industry and provides students with relevant information and skills about the sector, as well as introducing the promising opportunities it offers for its citizens and their role in supporting the industry's success and prosperity.
Medyaf was established as part of DCT's industry nationalisation initiative to lay the groundwork for talented Emiratis to join the city's tourist-facing workforce. The latest training programme aims to empower students to enhance their knowledge and skills over the summer period, while earning an accredited training certificate.
The 2021 Summer Training Programme will be implemented over four consecutive courses with each course taking place for a period of five days. The courses include workshops delivered live by experienced speakers with interactive games and educational activities, and will be held as per the following schedule;
- 4-8 July 2021
- 11-15 July 2021
- 25-29 July, and
- 1-5 August
For further information and to enroll for the programme, register via the Instagram account - @Medyaf_Dubai.
About Dubai College of Tourism (DCT)
DCT runs the first-of-its-kind multi-disciplinary educational platform in the region. The College provides certificate and diploma courses intourism, hospitality, retail business, eventsandculinary artsthrough the TVET accreditation framework. DCT aims to be recognised as the premier vocational institution in the region with its courses bridging the gap between in-house training and a full bachelors degree, ensuring a steady stream of highly trained tourism professionals for the city. DCT managesMedyafthe Industry Nationalisation initiative that aims to attract and train Emiratis to work in Dubais tourism industry and The College is also responsible for delivering fundamental programmes specifically designed for those working within the tourism industry, such as; Dubai Way(for tourist-facing staff in Dubai) and Dubai Expert(an interactive online training tool for international travel agents).